A call to action isn't an SEO element per se, but the actions that it produces can improve your search rankings. When your content creates user engagement (and you are using Google Analytics) Google will track that interaction and take it as a signal users like your content. So, using calls to action and geting users to click around your site, can tell Google that your page deserves higher rankings.
You can’t expect users to just figure out what to do. It is the your job to design pages in a way that certain elements will catch the eye and lead the user to take the desired actions.
Here is just a few proven tips to consider:
- Use big buttons
- Use white space so that the eye can easily see the call to action
- Use credibility statements such as trusted logos and testimonials near the call to action
- Orange buttons convert the best, followed by blue buttons
- “Add to Cart”, “Checkout” and “Register” are all much, much, much better than “Submit”
- Use emotional language that connects with the 5 senses
- Build a sense of urgency whenever possible
- Focus your call to action on benefits to the user, not your features
- Bribery… such as offering a “bonus gift” is encouraged.
Every Page Should Have At Least One
Call To Action!
Next In the next lesson we will explore the significant SEO benefits that you can get from