This is the reality check portion of this course. It is vitally important to understand what you and your team can and cannot do, why and what problems you will need solutions for before you can honestly expect to achieve your goals. This is a critical step in creating an action plan and delegating responsibilities for implementation and management.
This exercise will help you quickly identify your assets and resources so that you, your team and any consultants that you are working with will be able to clearly see what holes you have in your organization and you can start figuring out how to get those holes filled.

For this lesson, complete the “Team Evaluation” section following the Organizational Outline in the Business Blueprint Workbook
1. Create an organizational outline for your company listing each department and the responsibilities of that department.
This will set the stage for you to better understand and evaluate the workflow of your organization and be able to streamline processes and ensure that your resources are well balanced. For this section, modify the “Organizational Outline” portion of the Business Blueprint Workbook to reflect the current state of your organization.
2. For each department in your organizational outline, list the employees within that department along with the skills, strengths and weaknesses of each.
In professional sports, and great coach will tell you that you will get the best results by catering to the strengths of your players and not asking them to struggle against their weaknesses.
As a business manager it is your job to understand what the strengths and weaknesses are of each team member and then create a game plan that gives your organization the maximum benefits from their strengths and avoids suffering from their weaknesses.
This exercise should be able to help you:
- Get a better sense of what to expect from your team and become better at setting achievable goals.
- Identify employees that could benefit from a position change within your company.
- Get better at hiring to fit specific business needs.
- Understand what tasks should be outsourced and be better able to evaluate those decisions.
- Find ways to succeed more consistently.
No one is perfect, but if you consistently utilize your teams strengths and avoid their weaknesses you will maximize your potential for success. Every member of your business should be evaluated two to three times in their first year and at least once per year thereafter.
Have You Done Some Team Evaluating? Fantastic!
Next Time to move on to the next lesson and take a look at the