The organization of the source code for a page can have significant ramifications on the loading time of the page. However, for search engines it also affects how important the keyword rich content of that page seems to be to user experience, and numerous other ranking factors that can have a positive impact on your SEO. In this section we will identify the ideal order for various components to appear in the source code of a page. With the source code of the page presented in the order listed below, CSS is used to ensure that the page renders properly for users based on the size of the browser window (responsive).
- Doctype
- Header Section
- Title
- Meta Description
- Meta Keywords or Google News Keywords
- Canonical URL
- Robots
- Googlebot
- Google rel=“author”
- Google rel=“publisher”
- Facebook OG Tags
- Twitter Card Tags
- JS (if required for rendering the page)
- Body Section
- Google rel=“publisher” (if using the link method rather than tags)
- Breadcrumb Links
- Written Static Text Content
- Blog Roll, Products, Images, Video Content
- Sub Navigation
- Primary Navigation
- Advertising
- Sidebar Content / Plugins or Modules
- Footer Links
- Analytics Tracking Code
- Remaining Javascript
Now That The Code On Your Page Is
Well Optimized...
Next In the next lesson we will begin to address various technical aspects of optimizing your site architecture to ensure that your site is avoiding penalties and maximizing SEO opportunities.
Let's start by going over how to deal with