How does Google know who actually wrote something? How does Google know who the originator of content is? Google wants to reward the originator of content, but a lot of times it is difficult to tell who it is and popular content has a way of popping up on many pages all over the web. Whoever Google seems to believe is the originator of the content will get a bit of a boost in the search results. Here is how to make sure that your content is in position to give you the boost as the actual content originator.
- Use Google’s rel=”publisher” mark-up on your content, include an author byline.
- Set up an XML sitemap for your site and submit it to both Google and Bing Webmaster Tools. Every time you add new content, make sure that it is added to your SML sitemap and assigned the appropriate level of importance.
- As soon as you post a new page of content, go into Google Webmaster tools and use Fetch as GoogleBot to crawl the new page. This will ensure that the page is crawled immediately.
- Post links on your social network profiles to the new content that you have posted.
- If you are going to syndicate your content through a PR wire or Article Syndication network (not very recommended)... Post the full version of your content to your own website and wait for a day before syndicating it thorugh Article or PR syndication. If you do syndicate the content make sure to only syndicate a shortened version and include a link back to the full article that resides on your own site.
- Never post the exact same word for work article on other sites that you have on your site. If you do re-use articles for guest posting or syndication, make sure that those articles are altered in a significant way. Otherwise your site could be penalized for duplicate content.
- Also, if you do re-post content to another website after it already appeared on your site, try to get the other website to give you a rel=”canonical” link pointing to the original post on your site. Explain to them that this protects them from duplicate content penalties.
- Be prepared to create lots of original content that you only post on other sites and does not get posted on your site.
- When posting on another website, make sure to use Google rel=”author” markup pointing to your Google+ profile and make sure to add the site to your “Contributor To” section of your Google+ profile.

The Important Thing To Know Is
Get Credit For Your Content!
Next In the next lesson we will begin to get much more practical and dive into